Work process Water Dispenser (Cold)

Work process Water Dispenser (Cold)
The workings of the dispenser can be likened cooling when we put a glass of water-filled steel stenles into the frezzer in the refrigerator. In the center there is a dispenser tube wrapped around the middle section of a heater / heater and thermostat.
In general, the process of heating and cooling water at the water dispenser started from the first bin that serves to divide the water which would then be processed into hot water and cold water. Process cooling water dispenser is generally divided into two, namely:

1. Air Cooling by Fan
water cooling is done by using a fan to suck in water of high temperature when the water is at the water bin that is located below the first bin of water, but in reality the fan is only a tool to accelerate the heat dissipation in the water, so the water temperature will drop only a few . After passing through the second water bin will be issued via tap water and ready to drink.

2. Cooling Water with Systems Refrigran
cooling water to the dispenser using the same system as the system refrigran refrigran evaporatornya the refrigerator just put water into a second bin under the first bin of water, so water will be around evapurator cold water. The results of the cooling water dispenser refrigran system more than the maximum use of water cooling fan. After the water through the cooling water in the second bin, and the water will flow out through the tap.
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