This article about method of water purification or water filtration process. Some thing you should be concerned about process water purification / filtration is as follows:
Reverse Osmosis
What About Taste?
Reverse Osmosis
This amazing process can turn ocean water into drinking water. Water is forced by pressure through microscopic "holes" or pores in a membrane inside the purification system.
These holes are so small that only incredibly pure water can pass through. MInerals. sediments, etc. are flushed away - automatically. It removes virtually everything from your water!
Just how small are these holes?
Well, they are 1/5,000,000 of an inch - or 1 to 15 angstom. How small is that? If you were to take just one square foot of thi membrane and blow it up to the size of the pasific ocean, one pore would be the size of a dime! About the only thing able to pass through that is delicious water.
The filtration system that they use in smart coolers product is primally a high-grade carbon block filtration system with ion exchange resin. It is Independently Certified for the things you worry about most in your drinking water : Chlorine, Taste and Odor.
What About Taste?
This water purification system leaves the benefical mineral in your dringking water. You may or may not taste this minerals- such as magnesium or potasium - depending on their content in your tap water.